Call for abstract: Relationality in Queer, Trans and Crip/Asian American and Asian Diasporic Literatures and Cultural Critiques
This call is porposed by the American Comparative Literature Association. The winner will to give a seminar at the annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association which will be held virtually from May 29 to June 1, 2025.
The goal is to answer the question of whether Asian identity is a relational construction shaped by histories of racial, colonial, imperial, and gender violence that is still ongoing, despite its political recognition through liberal multiculturalism.
It aims to investigate how Asian American and diasporic literatures can offer new ways of understanding queer, trans and crypto-racial relations, highlighting in particular two ways of conceiving relationality: the first, decolonial and non-hierarchical based on the concept of opacity (with reference to authors such as Glissant), the second, proper to an intersectional perspective in dialogue with Black feminism and other feminisms of color that see race, gender and disability as interconnected and co-constitutive dynamics. The seminar encourages comparative and relational approaches to race and ethnicity by highlighting affinities across different historical and geographical contexts.
Abstract (1500 characters) and biography (500 characters) are requested to be sent to by Oct. 14, 2024.