Call for articles - La mise en affaire des violences sexistes et sexuelles

The call for articles concerns issue 25 of the journal Politiques de communication, dedicated to the topic of the mediatisation of ‘cases of sexist and sexual violence’, with publication scheduled for spring 2025. The aim is to examine how the structure of cases influences the mediatisation of this violence. It compares the phenomenon to public health scandals to study the role of the media in the construction of public problems.

The dossier focuses on three main areas:

1. The transition from the news story to the mediatised story, and the processes of selection and publicisation of gender-based violence.

2. The media framing of gender-based and sexual violence.

3. The circulation and public reception of these events.

Articles, not exceeding 60,000 characters, must be submitted by 15 October 2024. All contributions will be subject to rigorous anonymous scientific evaluation.

For further information