Call for papers | New Queer South: Perspectives on Italian Society and Culture
The University of Oxford is issuing a call for papers for the conference "New Queer South: Perspectives on Italian Society and Culture", taking place on 21-22 September 2023. The conference is organized by Alice Parrinello (Oxford) and sponsored by the Association for the Study of Modern Italy (ASMI) and by the Society for Italian Studies (SIS).
Papers presented at the conference may focus on, but are not limited to:
· Italy’s Southern question and its representation in any media (novels, graphic novels, films, tv series, etc.)
· Sicily, Southern Italy, and the Global South
· LGBTQIA+, queer, and gender perspectives of the South of Italy
· Feminism, feminist approaches, and postfeminist approaches to the South
· Migration, borders, national identity, and transitions
· Posthumanism, human and nonhuman representation, collapse
· Multimedia art practices, female gaze
· Emma Dante, Mario Desiati, Fumettibrutti, Ferzan Özpetek, etc.
To apply please submit a 250-word proposal abstract and a 100-word biographical note to newqueersouth@gmail.com by the 30th of April 2023.
More information is available here.