Call for papers: Sex, work and rights: contested meanings and transformative knowledge on sex work in a globalised Europe
The international open access and peer-reviewed magazine AG About Gender of the University of Genoa has launched a call for papers entitled "Sex, work and rights: contested meanings and transformative knowledge on sex work in a globalised Europe".
The paper is required to focus on the topic of sexual work, taking into account the system of intersectional inequalities - based on gender, class, nationality, race, sexuality, disability, to name just a few of the most relevant in a European context - in which it is inserted.
The paper needs to challenge simplistic analyses of sex industries in favor of interdisciplinary and intersectional interpretations, with the aim of also identifying how to improve the fundamental rights of those who live by sex work - by choice, compulsion or circumstance. Collaborative contributions written by academics, activists and sex workers are therefore welcome, in order to put the perspectives, experiences and priorities of those who work in sex markets at the center of the sociological, political and policy debates that affect them.
The deadline for submitting proposals is 15 May 2024.
For more information, please consult the website.