Call for Papers - Sexualités et identifications minoritaires : ce que les jeunes font à l’ordre du genre

This Call for Articles is proposed by the journal Agora débats/jeunesses and focuses on minority sexualities and identifications. The aim is to explore how young people, through their experiences, contribute to subverting or changing the traditional gender order, taking into account the influences of factors such as age, social class, religion, gender and race.

Articles must be based on empirical data (quantitative and/or qualitative) and may come from various disciplines of the humanities and social sciences (sociology, history, anthropology, etc.). Proposals may concern France or other international contexts.

Proposals may follow three main themes

1. Minority practices and identifications

2. Youth cultures and minority experiences

3. Relations with institutions, violence and discrimination

Article proposals must be submitted by 15 October 2024, with final articles due by 10 January 2025.


For further information