Call for Proposals: National Research Programme “Gender Medicine and Health
Gender Campus, a platform for gender studies, equality and diversity in Swiss universities, has opened the call for the national research program "Gender Medicine and Health".
Its purpose is to create a knowledge base for evidence-based implementation of gender/gender aspects in health research, medicine and public health in Switzerland through:
a. the production of context-sensitive and transdisciplinary knowledge to understand gender/gender aspects in health;
b. the improvement and adaptation of clinical practice to include gender/sex specificities;
c. the integration of a gender mainstreaming approach as an integral part of the health system.
The programme aims to bring a change in practice in these areas and to lay down rules for their implementation in Switzerland.
The research phase of the programme will last 5 years. The deadline for submitting the proposal is 14 March 2024.
For more information, you can consult the official website of the Call.