Calls for Papers and Conference: From Policy to Practice: Seizing Opportunities to Advance Gender Equality, Sexual and Gender Diversity

The 7th International conference on Gender and Sexuality 2024

Theme: “From Policy to Practice: Seizing Opportunities to Advance Gender Equality, Sexual and Gender Diversity”

This conference theme focuses on moving beyond policy to implement meaningful change that supports full inclusion and participation of sexually and gender diverse populations in society. Despite policy progress in some part of the world, reluctance and resistance continues to impede opportunities to realize the goal of embracing diversity.

The conference aims examine the roots and manifestations of reluctance and resistance across different sectors and cultures. It will highlight successful strategies and best practices for overcoming barriers, seizing opportunities, and effecting positive change. The conference research and publications hope to explore how prejudice manifests interpersonally but also through more subtle exclusion and “diversity fatigue.”

You are invited to send your abstract on or before 22nd May 2024 according to given the abstract guidelines. Different registration packages for the conference provide you so many benefits including food, a conference pack, an abstract book, eligibility to attend the technical sessions, career development workshops, publication opportunities etc. You can select different presentation modes according to your preference. Presentation awards are one of the key elements of the conference. The presenters of the conference will be evaluated by a special committee of academic experts during the conference and the best presenters will be awarded at the awards ceremony.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 22nd of May, 2024

Conference Dates: 19th – 20th September 2024 | Bangkok, Thailand