Elena Cornaro Study Award - fifth edition 2022
The Elena Cornaro University Centre promotes the fifth edition of the Study Award in honour of Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia, dedicated to the young scholar who graduated in Philosophy from the University of Padua on 25 June 1678, becoming the world’s first woman to graduate.
The award, which carries a prize of 5.000 euros, is sponsored by Associazione Alumni, Associazione degli Amici dell’Università di Padova and Solgar Multinutrient S.p.A. and seeks to award research works highlighting the role of women in the academic system and/or their contribution to the creation and dissemination of knowledges and sciences.
An honorable mention is also provided for the best research work of interest in the field of neutraceticals.
To apply for the fifth edition of the study award (2022), see https://www.alumniunipd.it/cornaro/. Deadline: April 1st, 2023.