Coimbra Group webinar on inclusive curriculum projects

The Equality and Diversity Working Group (Coimbra Group) organizes a webinar on approaches to, and experiences of, inclusive curriculum projects. The aims of the webinar are to act as a starting point for exploration and discussion of implementing inclusive curriculum projects in universities.

Trinity College Dublin will introduce their project and share their experiences of taking a holistic, whole-of-College approach to promoting inclusivity in the teaching and learning experience. Thereafter, Utrecht University will introduce their approach in which a course- and curriculum scan were developed as well as a toolbox for an Inclusive Curriculum. Colleagues of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg will reflect on these presentations and give the participants questions to reflect upon in a short break-out session. In the wrap-up the most important challenges, next steps and tips will be identified.  

The webinar is on Wednesday12 October 2022, 11am-12:30 pm CET.

Please join the webinar by registering here before 10 October, 5.00 pm CET.