Liberatory Art and Femme Resistance

Join Pamela Enyonu and Katlego Kolanyane-Kesupile in an artistic exploration of how liberatory art and femme resistance have impacted their practices. 

Enyonu, from Uganda, and Kolanyane-Kesupile, from Botswana, are interdisciplinary artists who grapple with notions and lived realities of occupying the world and its various spaces as black femme people. From struggles to be seen and heard, to celebrations of growing against the grain, their exploration will lead participants through ways to simply be without prefacing consequence. 

Chair: Annalisa Oboe (University of Padua).

The first event in the "Conversazioni a Casa Cornaro 2022/23" talks series will take place on Tuesday 11 October 2022, 5.00 p.m., at the Elena Cornaro University Centre headquarter in Via Martiri della Libertà 8, Padova (second floor).

Please register here to attend in person.

Those who cannot attend in person can follow the event online on Zoom at this link: