Women in American Studies: History of a discipline from a gender perspective
CIVIS Gender Studies Network (CGSN) organises a series of events hosted remotely by Minerva Lab (Sapienza Univeristy).
The conference, entlited "Women in American Studies: History of a discipline from a gender perspective", will take place on Zoom on Wednesday 21 June 2023 at 17:00 CET.
The talk provides an overview of the history of American Studies as a discipline from a gendered perspective.
The speaker of the conference will be Ralph J. Poole, an American-German researcher who teaches as Professor of American Studies at the University of Salzburg, Austria. His publications include a study on the Avant-Garde tradition in American theatre, a book on satirical and autoethnographic “cannibal” texts, a collection of essays on “dangerous masculinities”, and another collection on “queer Turkey”. Having wrapped up a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund on “Gender and Comedy in the Age of the American Revolution”, he is currently researching the Austrian Heimatfilm from a trans-European and genderqueer perspective.
This webinar is open to all the CIVIS community (students, academics and staff).
To receive a Zoom link and passcode, please register before the seminar by writing to: emil.edenborg@gender.su.se.