Calls for Abstracts: Aspects and Contexts of #Metoo

This special issue will take stock of existing research to explore new aspects and new contexts of the #metoo: geographically, culturally, and theoretically. The special issue does not explore #metoo as a phenomenon which took place in the past, but rather how it is currently manifested and how it is projected into the future. The special issue explores #metoo as a global and ongoing activity; as an experience and resource for formulating political agendas; as an active legacy which affects decisions in organization and by individuals; as a memory and point of reference in feminist activities; and as a trope used in political rhetoric to further feminism and gender equality or to revoke and resist feminism and feminist political endeavours.

The Women's Studies International Forum invites scholars researching #metoo, in all countries and regions, to propose contributions drawing on a variety of disciplines (including political science, sociology, media and communication, gender, law, history, and others).

Please send a 300 word abstract to by 15 October 2024. Selected contributions will be notified within a couple of weeks. All contributions will undergo peer-review before a decision of publication is made.

For more information click here!