Calls for Abstracts: Feminist Perspectives on Social Policy – Global Conversations

This Special Issue brings together diverse feminist approaches to social policy, highlighting theoretical debate, policy and practice examples from around the world. Feminisms, in their aim to address gender inequalities, fight against oppression and improve the lives of women, has taken different paths, forms and orientations in different cultural, religious, political and legal contexts. This Special Issues aims to critically examine the normative underpinnings and social, economic and political dynamics that lead to gendered inequalities, while encouraging international dialogue between multiple gender-sensitive perspectives aimed at improving social welfare and wellbeing in theory, policy and practice.

The Open-Access-Journal for Social Policy Research in Switzerland welcomes theoretical, empirical (qualitative as well as quantitative) or action-oriented contributions that bring different feminist perspectives on social policy and social welfare in conversation to each other to encourage ongoing feminist debate: e.g. between liberal feminist theory and relational ethic of care theory; across different policy fields (reproductive health, work/family balance, poverty and social security, social and ecological sustainability and so forth), and between feminist practice and activism in different countries and world regions (e.g. reproductive rights campaigns in the US, Southeastern Europe and Latin America). They particularly welcome contributions that bridge Global North/Global South/Global East divides – with respect to co-authorship, theoretical reflection or empirical comparison

Submission of Abstracts: 31 August 2024

Submission of Full Papers: 30 June 2025

Special Issue Publication: Spring 2026

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