Coimbra Group webinar on inclusive curriculum projects
Mercoledì 12 ottobre 2022, dalle ore 11 alle ore 12.30, l'Equality and Diversity Working Group (Coimbra Group Universities) organizza un webinar di discussione sulla possibilità di implementare progetti curriculari inclusivi nelle università.
Per partecipare è necessaria la registrazione a questo link ENTRO IL 10 OTTOBRE, ORE 17.
The Equality and Diversity Working Group (Coimbra Group) organizes a webinar on approaches to, and experiences of, inclusive curriculum projects. The aims of the webinar are to act as a starting point for exploration and discussion of implementing inclusive curriculum projects in universities.
Trinity College Dublin will introduce their project and share their experiences of taking a holistic, whole-of-College approach to promoting inclusivity in the teaching and learning experience. Thereafter, Utrecht University will introduce their approach in which a course- and curriculum scan were developed as well as a toolbox for an Inclusive Curriculum. Colleagues of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg will reflect on these presentations and give the participants questions to reflect upon in a short break-out session. In the wrap-up the most important challenges, next steps and tips will be identified.