Encounters for Justice: A Comparative Study of How Journalists Mediate Stories of Domestic Abuse and Gender-Based Violence

Giovedì 27 ottobre 2022, dalle ore 17.30 alle ore 19.00, il Centro di Ateneo Elena Cornaro ospita una conversazione informale sul progetto di ricerca italo-britannico "Encounters for Justice: A Comparative Study of How Journalists Mediate Stories of Domestic Abuse and Gender-Based Violence".

A presentare il progetto, finanziato dalla British Academy in collaborazione con l'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, il gruppo di ricerca composto da Alice Baroni, STARS@UNIPD research fellow, Università di Padova, Jane Freedland, Lecturer in History and Fellow of the Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, e Melissa Jogie, Director of Diversifying Leadership and Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, University of Roehampton. 

Modera Claudia Padovani (Università di Padova).

L'incontro, aperto a tutte le persone interessate, si tiene in lingua inglese.

Si può partecipare in presenza presso la sede del Centro Elena Cornaro (Via Martiri della Libertà, 8, Padova) oppure seguire l'evento via Zoom a questo LINK.


On the occasion of a research meeting, an Italy-UK team invites you to join at the Elena Cornaro Centre for an informal conversation about their project, “Encounters for Justice”. This event is an opportunity to bring together scholars, journalists, and the Elena Cornaro’s community, to gather and discuss the work of journalists – as well as researchers - who report stories of domestic and gender-based violence, in a comparative context. More specifically, the team expects to be discussing the following questions: What happens at the moment of encounter between journalist and survivor of domestic and gender-based violence? To what extent are journalists prepared for hearing, reading and speaking about crimes of violence against women? How do we as researchers relate to these experiences? And how those moments of encounter be mobilized to challenge inequalities and gender injustices?