"Posthuman Feminism" di Rosi Braidotti - evento di lancio
Mercoledì 16 marzo 2022, alle ore 18.00, si terrà un evento online per il lancio del libro Posthuman Feminism di Rosi Braidotti, docente di Humanities presso l'Università di Utrecht e autrice di numerosi libri, tra cui The Posthuman (Polity Press, 2013) e Posthuman Knowledge (Polity Press, 2019).
Durante l'incontro interverranno anche le studiose e gli studiosi Emily Jones, Senior Lecturer in Legge presso l'Università dell'Essex, Matthew Fuller, docente di Cultural Studies presso la Goldsmiths, University of London, Shela Sheikh, coordinatrice della Laurea Magistrale in Postcolonial Culture and Global Policy presso la Goldsmiths, University of London, Simone Bignall, Senior Researcher in Jumbunna Indigenous Nations and Collaborative Futures presso la University of Technology Sidney, e Stacy Alaimo, docente di Inglese e membro della facoltà di Environmental Studies presso l'università dell'Oregon.
Ecco il link Zoom per partecipare: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0rZv0ojHSLSedXhHxDbijg.
In this important new book, Rosi Braidotti examines the implications of the posthuman turn for feminist theory and practice. She defines the posthuman turn as a convergence between posthumanism on the one hand and post- anthropocentrism on the other, and she examines their complex relationship and joint impact. Braidotti claims that mainstream posthuman scholarship has neglected feminist theory, while in fact feminism is one of the precursors of the posthuman turn, through diverse social movements and political traditions. Posthuman Feminism is an analytic and creative response to contemporary conditions and a call to action. It highlights the constraints but also the potentialities available to feminist political subjects as they confront the ever- growing injustices of sexism, racism, ecocide and neoliberal capitalism.