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Call for papers - Ecologie femministe e intersezionali nella letteratura e nella cultura visuale

La rivista di studi letterari, postcoloniali e di genere de genere propone una call for papers per un numero monografico che intende mappare le zone di interazione tra le teorie e le pratiche femministe intersezionali e le Environmental Humanities nella letteratura e nella cultura visuale di diversi


Premio Ingenio al Femminile - quarta edizione

Il Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri bandisce la quarta edizione del Premio di laurea in favore di neolaureate che abbiano prodotto brillanti tesi di laurea in Ingegneria sull'argomento «Il paradigma 5.0 e il ruolo strategico dell’ingegneria».Possono concorrere all’assegnazione del Premio tutte le


Calls for Abstracts: The International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR)

The International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR) is an opportunity for academics, practitioners and consultants from around the world who are involved in the study, management and development of gender related issues in business, the public sector and in education to come together and exchange


Calls for Abstracts: Aspects and Contexts of #Metoo

This special issue will take stock of existing research to explore new aspects and new contexts of the #metoo: geographically, culturally, and theoretically. The special issue does not explore #metoo as a phenomenon which took place in the past, but rather how it is currently manifested and how it


Calls for Papers: Women’s Empowerment in Post-Soviet Eurasia: Recent Developments

This Special Issue will investigate the impact of the geopolitical shifts triggered by the war in Ukraine on the efforts of state, non-state, and international actors to promote women’s issues, highlight progress, critically explore policies and ensuing practical changes, and to chart the forays for
