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Empowerment e inclusione, presentato il Terzo Manifesto sui diritti delle donne con disabilità in Europa

In Europa il 60% delle persone con disabilità sono donne. Il Terzo Manifesto del Comitato delle donne dell'EDF presenta i punti di un'agenda europea contro le discriminazioni. 


Aiding Empowerment: Democracy Promotion and Gender Equality in Politics

Saskia Brechenmacher and Katherine Mann's book critically surveys international efforts to support women's political participation and leadership over the past three decades, with case studies of Kenya, Nepal, Morocco, and Myanmar. It aims to chart both areas of progress and persistent challenges


Stories of Resistance: Advocating for Women's Education and Academic Freedom in Iran and Afghanistan

"The death of Mahsa Amini in 2022, after her arrest by the morality police, sparked massive nationwide protests, with students and women playing a leading role. These protests became known as the Woman, Life, Freedom” movement, the slogan originating from a Kurdish feminist mantra which symbolizes


Una prospettiva femminista per le elezioni del Parlamento Europeo

Porre l’uguaglianza di genere al cuore del processo decisionale dell’UE: con questo titolo programmatico il Report preparato dal think tank femminista europeo Gender Five Plus indica nelle prossime elezioni un’opportunità strategica per rafforzare il ruolo del Parlamento Europeo (PE) nelle politiche


Breaking the Binary Mold: Understanding Social Representations of Nonbinary Gender Identities Among the LGBTQIA+ Italian Population

According to the authors of this essay, it is necessary to incorporate a new and more inclusive model of social representation in order to comprehend nonbinary identity. Given the transnormativity, cisnormativity, and genderism that usually characterize LGBTQIA+ people, there is the risk of
